Girl on canvas. A book about paintings.
„Painting is not dead. It is the viewers who are lifeless or stunned. Though not all and that is precisely what this book is about. It is about how a girl, painted on a canvas, can communicate with us.“
We’d like to invite everyone to a talk with Pola Dwurnik, a painter and initiator of the book „Girl on Canvas / Dziewczyna na płótnie“, a collection of texts by various authors (Maria Poprzęcka, Maria Anna Potocka, Olga Tokarczuk, and others) who were asked to give feedback to Dwurnik’s works. The artist will talk about the relation between pictures and words with Konstanty F. Szydłowski, one of the contributors to the book.
Saturday, 19th September, 7:00 p.m.
Free entry. In English (with some Polish in between).
Pola Dwurnik, visual artist and art historian. She has been working with various drawing media and Mail Art, but her major and most favorite medium is oil painting.
Konstanty F. Szydłowski, philosopher, romanist, art critic, translator, curator.
„Girl on Canvas“ was designed by Dagny and Daniel Szwed / Moonmadness.